Read Colossians 1-4

Do you like to journal? I wish I were better at journaling than I am. What I am good at is writing dates by verses in my Bible when I pray for certain things.  We often encourage you, here at Adventure Christian Church, to mark up your Bibles. As I was reading mine in preparation for this devotion, I was reminded of a very important date I had previously marked in this passage in Colossians.

The date was July 9, 1988, my wedding day. Rick and I are in our 25th year of marriage! Our wedding text was Colossians 3:12-17 and what great counsel it has proven to be. We seek to clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. We attempt to bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances we have with one another. We strive to forgive as God forgives us. Overall, we choose to be unified in love.

I am glad for the “overall” in the previous sentence. For all my seeking, attempting and striving, I often come up short! These rules for holy living in this passage are not easy to live by, yet I vowed to love Rick and this text tells me, LOVE is what unifies us.

I’m so thankful for a husband that is committed to loving me in spite of my seeking, attempting and striving failures. Thank you, Rick, for your compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience towards me. Thank you for bearing with me and forgiving me. But most of all, thank you for loving me.

If you’re not good at journaling, like me, at least consider writing dates in the margin of your Bible. It is an excellent way to remember those very important passages of Scripture in your life and what God’s Word has to say as an encouragement.

- Amy Stedman has been married to Pastor Rick for 25 years this July!

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